Saturday, September 24, 2011

All talk and no action!

 All moms claim their baby is the cutest etc, but I lay claim to it x 3!! 

Going to write again very soon; but for now I just wanted to share some new photos of the boys!

I took the photos yesterday and my friend Rosanna edited them to balance the colours, brightness etc. I am very happy with the way they came out!


Friday, August 19, 2011

To be a MoM

So now onto general Mom of Multiples things.  I love my boys more than anything, and my daughter is so amazing; I am very proud of the way she helps me out around the house and with the babies.
T has been gone for a couple weeks now, and I don't mind being a 'single mom' when he's gone. As much as I do prefer when he is home of course it's not that bad; I appreciate that when he is home I am able to have a little more freedom to do other things, like grocery shopping, personal appointments etc and not have to have the extra time to do them.

People ask me all the time "how do you do it?" and that is an impossible question to answer in the time you know they would be truly interested in listening for, so I just say "you just do it". 

I have been glancing at a book recently called "What Mothers Do Especially When It Looks Like Nothing" by Naomi Stadlen.  and in the book it reads:   "How can anyone feel satisfied at the end of a day doing something as responsible as being a mother, without being able to explain to herself what she has done well? How can she discuss her day properly with other people if she can describe only her failures?"
This is so true, T calls at night and I always feel like I have nothing to say, because I know that even though I have been busy ALL day, the only things to really talk about are the negative things or the ones that reflect health matters or money.    Its so difficult to express yourself as a mom; T and MIL would never really understand that it's tiring to be a MOM.  Comments being made about being productive, or getting more done just hurt... because at the end of a long day I am exhausted and I can't explain to them why.

I can however explain it to you!   The day begins waking to chattering babies over the monitor, I love my new alarm clock!  So then I make 3 grueling trips up and down the stairs, carrying babies that takes almost all my energy as my body does NOT want to cooperate with me. (will explain more about that soon!) Then in between it's rushing to get formula ready, 3 different mixtures, one soy, one with rice and one just plain formula. Getting the right nipples and rings on each and not mixing them up.  Changing diapers and preparing those bottles.  Can't leave Sonny alone on the feeding area because he is such a squirmy worm I am afraid he would fall; so I get Beef and Pook changed and settled in and save sonny for last.  Ok, so we are now all settled on the bed and they are happily sucking away.  Only one of them need a lot of attention as he gets so distracted he is constantly losing the nipple from his mouth!  While they eat I fold the load of laundry I put in at bedtime and fight with Sonny to eat.   Burp: Burp: Burp: Clean up puke, and on with the show.   Time to settle in, I check my messages and brew a cup of joe; for a few minutes!

So now it's time to play!  usually 2 will sleep and one will play so this goes on for the next 3 hours, playing with one, 2 sleeping.  Oh, also during this time I wash bottles and mix up formula by the gallon, wake up vi, let the dog out and try to put a few things away or tidy up the kitchen.

Then, lo and behold ti's time to eat again!  and the routine starts all over, change diapers, wash faces, get dressed, heat up formula, get the magic mixtures just right, suck suck suck, burp burp burp, clean up puke and play.   Grab a lunch and try to spend a few minutes with Vi.   If I am lucky, someone might stop by this week for a visit.Would be nice to go for a walk, but I can't push the stroller without being in pain for 3 days afterward unless walking on a flat surface. Can't play in the yard because of red ants; so we rarely leave the house. 

Where was I?  Oh yes, this brings us to about 1pm now... sometimes this afternoon time I will bathe the boys, or try to get something organized like the cabinet, kitchen cupboards, the boys dresser etc. If they happen to all fall asleep I grab a quick shower OR I selfishly use this time to go on Facebook. (yeah I keep fb open all day and periodically pop in so it appears I am on all the time).   If they aren't sleeping, the afternoon is good for tummy time, playing on mats, in jumperoos etc.  but you have to rotate them and constantly flip the roller as he can't get back and gets mad.

Guess what... Time to eat again!   Those 3 hours between feedings just go by so fast!   Oh and I forgot to mention that I always do a load of laundry in between those feedings... so, change diapers, make bottles, feed, burp etc.   this brings us to about 4:30 adn Vi is asking whats for dinner...So boys go in their bouncy seats and get plunked in front of the TV for some baby einstein.  *please, spare me the lecture.  and off I go to the kitchen to whip up some mommy mealtime mastery in 30 min or less...  Vi and I sit down to eat have a conversation, a few giggles etc.    The boys seem to always know it's mommy down time though as it never fails that someone decides to be unhappy at that time! 

Now we have about an hour to just enjoy, so we do some floor time, playing with babies, stories, "exercises" etc.  This is very difficult for me as I try to get on the floor and play with all 3.. and I can barely move while I'm down there and it's hard to get back up!  This time is important too because I like to really play with them for about an hour before they eat for bed, so that I know they will sleep better.  Sometimes this is a fight to keep one awake. 

This brings us to about 7pm.  Guess what.  Time to start getting ready for bed!   If Tony is home, this is a great time for tandem bathing, but when I'm alone I stagger the baths through the day or do them all in the afternoon.  Anyway, off we go, one at a time to get a diaper change and pjs on.  Bottles get made, with their special PM mixutre that holds them over the night.. and away we go!  Suck suck suck, burp burp burp, clean up puke and were done.  (this take about 30 -45 minutes by the way because we're taking turns burping, and chasing bottles around)  Ahh, now it's time for the swaddling, a story and off to bed, trucking them up one at a time (or Vi helps bring them up).  Lullabies go on and voila, they are in bed.  

Now it's about 8:30-9 so I wash bottles and nipples and tidy up the kitchen. Throw in that load of laundry I will fold tomorrow morning, hang out with Vi for a bit, FB / blog / read forums and off to bed at 10.

So... Ask me what I did today and you will hear "Not much" or "the usual" and you may walk away thinking, she's got it easy, she doesn't have to go to work, or you might see my home and wonder "what did you do all day?"  now you know.

Oh, did I mention that in between all this I also let the dog in and out a hundred times, answered the phone, paid the bills, changed a pukey baby outfit, made my shopping list, got dressed, did a spreadsheet for pirate festival, returned 2 calls to vendors, sorted through my stock, read my business manual, researched products and organized my prizes (all business related), read my training manual, played 10 min of guitar(which I started doing again recently) and cleaned up the slobbery doggie puddles from the floor? 

So if you come in and there is a pile of laundry on the chair to be folded, don't wonder why I haven't folded them yet, think, wow, she's really on top of that laundry.   If the pots are on the stove from dinner, don't criticize me for not doing my dishes right away, think only , Hey, she had time to cook a home made dinner.   Because like that book said "How can anyone feel satisfied at the end of a day doing something as responsible as being a mother, without being able to explain to herself what she has done well? How can she discuss her day properly with other people if she can describe only her failures?"   Really does sum it up I guess

So... what did I do today?   "The usual"

and it was GREAT. 

Updates on the boys and "just do it"

So it's been a while since I posted last!   Lots has been going on, and we are pushing on down the track.  Vi has been enjoying her summer break, she went off to equestrian camp and had a really great time; and was surprised at how much she missed her brothers while she was gone!

The boys are sleeping through the night, and have been for a while now!   Our new schedule has them eating at or around 7-8 and then 11-11:30, 3:30, 7:30 and then in bed around 8:30, 9.   And yes, they sleep ALL night and you don't hear a peep.   *of course, now that I have said it aloud, and written it down, I am DOOMED because I swear they are living only to prove me wrong at every turn!

We had our 4 month check ups, and Beef is 18.1lbs, Pook is 16.13 and Mr. H (now called Sonny) is 16.  Sonny boy is the one to keep my eye on!  He has started Rolling now and enjoys getting his feet up on his brothers' heads, spinning around and rolling over onto his tummy and getting angry because he can't get back.    Pook;,is he such a gentle soul, who smells of canned cream of mushroom soup all the time. Why does formula smell oh so badly?   The poor thing doesn't get as much attention as the others and people just don't want to hold him as much because there is a 98% chance that you will leave also smelling of cream of mushroom soup.      I recently bought a can of soy formula to start self experimenting on him with various types to see if anything helps, it had seemed to be working well; noting a significant decrease in the spitting up, but then it all went horribly wrong!   I made a fatal mistake in formula switching; and went WAY too fast.  :(   My poor baby got constipated and was in so much pain this morning.  I was able to help him pass it by massaging his tummy and pressing his legs up to his abdomen.  When he passed it, it was a doozie and made his poor bum bleed.  I feel/felt so bad that I caused him this pain for my selfishness of not wanting to deal with the puke anymore.   And this is what motherhood is all about.  Joy and guilt.  I will be going off the soy and back to the norm, puke or not.

At the check up, they found that Pooks head circumference had grown 4 cm from last check, so he is going for a scan of his head; this is to see if there is any hydrocephalus going on (fluid surrounding his brain).   I don't feel overly concerned of this matter, due to his head shape, I think it could just be a miss-measurement; but would definitely be happier to be safe than sorry!  That appointment is scheduled for the 26th of Aug.  The same day T comes home.

and for Beef; he is HUGE, so huge in fact that at 4.5 months of age (3 months and 1 week corrected) he requires 6-9 or 9 months sized clothing!   I call him my Great big beefy beautiful boy, and he really is.  Such a flirt, he laughs and squeals and gurgles to get attention and of course it works every time!

So that about covers it, Will post again soon as I feel like I have lots to say today!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Game on... Game off and night time feeds.

The most important thing when you have multiples, I would have to say (aside from Patience) is a good schedule.  I keep the boys on one, but not deemed by the clock, it's 'by the baby' so to speak.  They eat at the same time... so when the first one wakes up to eat they all get woken up and eat at the same time. This works well for us. 

What is happening now is that Because they are sleeping that one long stretch at night, it throws the schedule off, so one night they go to bed at 9-10 and sleep through and the next they sleep from 6pm for the 7 hrs.  So I get one good night of sleep and one shitty one.  Feeding at night isn't too bad though, I bring all my parafanalia upstairs; 3 boppy Pillows, 3 Leach Co bottle prop rings (specified on the package not for propping, but we all know that's what they are for!)  3 'prop buddies' (webkins, they are the perfect shape and size), 3 receiving blankets and a burp pad.  I put it all in an empty laundry basket and bring it upstairs.  That way I am only coming down to get the bottles and head back upstairs.  There is a changing station in their room I use, then feed them in their boppys on my bed.  Then it's swaddled back up and put back into bed, sleepy but awake... then back into the basket goes the goodies.   They 'usually' go right back to sleep ~ So do I!

I only wish I knew how to better regulate their schedule so that they would have their long sleep at the same time.  We are still working on it, experimenting with what works best for us.

We have a great schedule, but it doesn't always work for everyone;  It's routine we need!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

So today I turned 32.  I celebrated by staying in my night gown, and not doing any housework.   I will likely pay for it tomorrow as I will be behind and will have to make up the difference.   

It was a very nice birthday, started off yesterday when I spent the day with my Mum, the boys and Vi.  We had to go to Bangor to have a developmental check up for the boys; they are all on par and doing GREAT!   All 3 are 12lbs and  22 inches (give or take a few ounces and inches are a bit off on each).  Reportedly they have big heads!  * they must get that from their father!   :)   tee hee

PS:  Denny's seems to be a good place to stop, eat and feed babies!   it's not that quiet to start with so most don't seem to mind a little extra noise!   The runabout stroller didn't fit oh so well, but it worked out great... everyone got fed! ** See notes below on how to feed 3 babies, 2 adults and Dennys!

When we got home it was dark and my Mum had to hit the road to head back home so there wasn't much time to relax. She brought up a birthday cake from the basement, Angel food with chocolate icing.  It was good.  She gave me a cook book of one dish recipes... that will come in handy! 

The boys slept only 5 hrs due to the mix up in schedule due to our trip to the big city and the long car drive.  So we were up at 4:45 AM.   My darling husband sent me on a while goose chase to find my birthday gift, took me a few hours and a couple clues to find it!  Thanks darling!     In the 7 years we have been together, he has never been home for my birthday and always comes up with these clever things.  I don't know what it would be like if he were actually home for once?? 

The boys had plans of their own today, very little sleep and lots of poop!  Must be because I used Canned formula yesterday when we were on the road.   (we use Gerber good start Gentle Plus, the powdered stuff you mix with water is fine, but the canned premixed stuff tends to give them diarrhea and REALLY stinky farts!).  SOOOO  it was a lovely day of gas and poop!    Big G even left some of his birthday present on the bumbo seat for me!    Thanks Baby!

So.. that was it.  32 years old.  Just like that; I cut the cake, blew out the candles and made a wish.

Guess what I didn't wish for this year?   

On feeding 3 babies with 2 adults at Dennys:  Using the triplet runabout stroller, 2 babies in the seat, the 'leach co' round pillow we use for propping, and one holding a baby.   My mom fed Big G, I fed Mr. H and Pook.   Heated bottles in hot water from the waitress, then fed them.. rotating who got burped in and out of the stroller.   Voila... done.  While they were in eating phase, I was able to enjoy my slam hot and it was good!. :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Is there Sex after Triplets?

I will try to answer this subject delicately; for the sake of my loving husband.  I don’t mind discussing our sex life… we have children, it’s obvious that we are having relations lol… that what couples do when they are in love!  But I will reserve details, no need for everyone to know it all; some things are best kept to oneself! 

Many a new mother will say she is too tired, worn out or stressed to have ‘intimacies’ with her husband. She will tell him that her back hurts, she is tired, cranky or some other woe.  Some might even stoop as low as the “I have a headache” bit….

Not this MOM…  studies have shown that the chemicals released during sex can help relieve the pain of a headache, it helps you to stretch your limbs which would make you hurt more  AND help you to sleep! 
On Flirting
Romance on the other hand is a completely different subject.  There can be sex without romance, and romance without sex.   We flirt, smile and touch each other lovingly throughout the day; Small ways to say, I love you... I find you desirable.    Is this romantic?… not really, just nice and it fulfills the need of adult attention, something shared between two adults, (a man and a woman in this case).  

The Nitty Gritty
So… the technicalities of it all.   YES there is sex after triplets… at least there is after OUR triplets!   Albeit its often a quick moment in the middle of the night after the babies have had their 3am feeding!  It still exists (thankfully!).    It’s simple, turn the baby monitor off, they will survive on their own for those few minutes it takes to… er… ‘connect’.   Yes, sure it’s not the same as it was before; its often rushed, but it’s a moment to relax, let go and be together as adults and husband and wife. 

                        Is there Sex after Triplets?

                            The answer is YES!!
                                  Not so much.  

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Introducing me

Todays post was going to be "sex after triplets"; but perhaps I'll tell you who I am before I tell you the details of my intimate life!    A significantly less interesting topic this will be, but we'll get down and dirty soon enough!   Because I don't like to talk about myself, I will take a new approach on this and do it in the 3rd person perspective... just because I can!
This is Melissa.  She will be 32 this Tuesday and is the mother of 4 amazing children; Vi, Big G, Mr. F (Pook), and Mr. H (Happy).  She is pretty easy going person, loyal and trustworthy; Happy and good humoured;  intelligent and capable.  But that's just my opinion...  if you know her, feel free to comment on all the wonderful things ** ok, and less wonderful things that are 'Melissa'.  

The kind of person who can easily 'fit in' and talk to people, Melissa is also often the first person up on the dance floor, or signing up to sing a song at Karaoke.   Rarely requiring any liquid encouragement at that!    

The most important thing in Melissas life is her family, both immediate and extended... friends come and friends go, but your family stays with you forever.  Treat them accordingly as they will be the ones who follow through every time.   Having been burned by  "friendship " in the past and having been taken advantage of;  taking a more reserved stand on close relationships keeps her safe.   Tony, (wonderful husband) is her best friend, alongside her mother Karen.  

Melissa enjoys travel, singing karaoke, chatting and socializing... LOVES meeting new people and does so freely.  A good laugh is worth a million dollars, if there was pay for laughter, Melissa would be extremely wealthy!   Luckily love IS wealth, and therefore she is one of the richest people around and one LUCKY lady!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Not Gardening

Fertilizer:  Wikipedia definition:  Fertilizer (or Fertiliser) is any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin (other than limin materials) that is added to a soil to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growh of plants.

Today I feel like I have accomplished a lot, I was able to organize and re-organize the cabinet by the boy's changing table and was also able to fold the 3rd load of laundry for the day.  Ok.. Time to blog.  Won't take as long today as I won't be inhibited by the clickity-click and key sliding caused by long luxurious, perfect fingernails.   Let me explain.

Mr F(also known as Pook) was so gracious as to complete his second bowl movement for the day during their lunch time feed at 11:30am, so during burping time I ran and did a rush change then back to feeding and burping as normal... Fulton happy as a clam, and back on schedule.   Fast forward to 1:30pm... Boys are sleeping after we play and have our tummy time and stories... what to do, what to do...  Fold laundry, check; make coffee, check; sort mail, check...   File nails... aah, yes, perfect.

So I grab the emery board and get started.... feeling like super mom for having done so very much in such a short time... then alas.. I see it.   My nails are filthy!     I think to myself...   I should wear gloves when I'm gardening....       *you know where this is going right?     Yeah..  it was that moment I realized...  

I wasn't gardening today. 


Thursday, June 16, 2011


Eureka!   I have done it!    Somehow in this crazy time I have found the slightest of moments to create a blog; of course its midnight and I am asleep at the helm!

What you will find in my blog are moments to remember, cherished memories, perhaps recipes, antics and anecdotes, product reviews and general chatter.

I have been asked to blog several times by many a inquiring mind; they seem to think I have something interesting to blog about....   We'll see!