Friday, June 17, 2011

Not Gardening

Fertilizer:  Wikipedia definition:  Fertilizer (or Fertiliser) is any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin (other than limin materials) that is added to a soil to supply one or more plant nutrients essential to the growh of plants.

Today I feel like I have accomplished a lot, I was able to organize and re-organize the cabinet by the boy's changing table and was also able to fold the 3rd load of laundry for the day.  Ok.. Time to blog.  Won't take as long today as I won't be inhibited by the clickity-click and key sliding caused by long luxurious, perfect fingernails.   Let me explain.

Mr F(also known as Pook) was so gracious as to complete his second bowl movement for the day during their lunch time feed at 11:30am, so during burping time I ran and did a rush change then back to feeding and burping as normal... Fulton happy as a clam, and back on schedule.   Fast forward to 1:30pm... Boys are sleeping after we play and have our tummy time and stories... what to do, what to do...  Fold laundry, check; make coffee, check; sort mail, check...   File nails... aah, yes, perfect.

So I grab the emery board and get started.... feeling like super mom for having done so very much in such a short time... then alas.. I see it.   My nails are filthy!     I think to myself...   I should wear gloves when I'm gardening....       *you know where this is going right?     Yeah..  it was that moment I realized...  

I wasn't gardening today. 


1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha that's good, I'm going to enjoy reading your blog :) xo Cat
