Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wow! There ARE decent people out there!

Lately I have been feeling very down on myself, and it's likely from being home a lot; ok, not just a lot... ALL the time!   I hadn't left the house in almost 2 weeks except to get milk, leaving Vi to watch the babies for 10 min while I did so... not really an outing..   Then last night I had a bit of a melt down; and was brought back to sanity by a kind friend in Arizona, a single mom by choice with two beautiful babies the same age as the boys... a 'mom army' Mom!   

Anyway, I decided enough was enough, I was getting OUT of the house!  Since we were in desperate need of groceries and formula (only had about enough formula left for one bottle!) it wasn't really an option anymore.   My Mother in Law was going to help out but she had to go pick up her vehicle from the shop... No big deal, I got this right?   Or so I thought!

I loaded up the boys and the stroller and left for Calais... When I left home it was raining a little bit; but when I got there, it was pouring freezing rain, slushy and just nasty and the stroller *as always* was covered in crud from the road... so I would have had to take it off, load up the boys while they sat in the freezing rain, etc etc ...  not a good situation overall.   Discouraged;  I was just going to go home, but then remembered we REALLY needed formula; So I got back out of the van and (by this point I was welling up with tears overwhelmed again)...  when two ladies walked by and I called out to them, they seemed decent enough so I asked them to carry my children in to the store... I had no idea what I was going to do with them when I got there!  lol.    

In we go, these two kind women and me, and the boys...  we put Beef and Duke into shopping carts, and I had the Bjorn (always kept in the car) so I loaded Sonny boy ( the peanut) up on me... and after thanking the kind ladies profusely, off we went. I pushed one cart, pulled one cart and wore Sonny.   *My back is thanking me already!   oops.. forgot to splint!  :(

About 10 minutes and one full shopping cart later, out of nowhere my sweet nephew shows up at JUST the right time and offers to help me! Luckily (for me) he had a dentist appointment and was out of school early and was with him Mom (who works at the store).  Splendid!   He takes one cart and I push one and carry Sonny... and off we go!!   Sweet! 

Get my shopping done at Walmart and load it all up in the car, then off to Shop-n-save for groceries since mother hubbards cupboards were BARE!   In the grocers it's the same situation, Hayden pushing, me pushing and pulling Sonny since my back was spasming by then and I couldn't have carried him anymore!
Well, we hadn't hardly gone past the produce section when a lovely staff member shows up, comments on the boys and asks if I need any help... I say no I think we're ok, and she said, well I KNOW I would need help so I won't take no for an answer... She stuck with us the WHOLE time!  Up and down every aisle, and even at checkout and then loading up into the van!   I unfortunately didn't get her name, so I need to find out what it was as she really deserves a proper shout out.

Overall, it wasn't the best outing, but it was out; and my cupboards are full again.  It was the first time the boys had been out of the house in like 3 weeks, and almost 2 weeks for me; so I consider it a win!
Having said that; the next time, I'll wait and NOT go during a snow storm!!      

1 comment:

  1. So glad that there are nice people out there, people that help.

    Congrats on your outing, even in a snow storm!
